Świat z twistem

notatnik: polityka, marginesy, media, społeczeństwo, historie i histerie.

Shepard Fairley kontra Associated Press

Agencja Associated Press: Shepard Fairley naruszył prawa autorskie wykorzystując w słynnym plakacie „Hope” zdjęcie Baracka Obamy wykonane przez fotografa na zlecenie AP.
Fast Company:

Fairey’s no dumby. He’s hired Anothony Falzone, a lawyer and executive director of the Fair Use Project at Stanford University. Falzone is also the heir apparent to Lawrence Lessig, the famed Stanford copyright law professor and founder of Creative Commons, the movement that encourages creators to modify copyright terms in order to „increase the amount of creativity (cultural, educational, and scientific content) in “the commons”—the body of work that is available to the public for free and legal sharing, use, repurposing, and remixing.

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